Junglepixiebelize - Recollections of a Gringa Pioneer
Nancy R Koerner - Copyright@2021 - All Rights Reserved
"The Walking Man"
I never knew who he was, or what he was, but he just always seemed to be there, walking that one stretch of Western Highway between Esperanza and Central Farm. Always heading east. Always on the south side of the road. Always with great purpose and intention. The man’s signature look never varied: he walked bare-chested, wearing rubber boots, the same raggedly-torn pants, the red-brown color of his skin showing in stark contrast to the white crocus bag tied across his back.
This painting – with its bold, raw, mystical quality – captures the memory perfectly, and is posted here for BNHS, courtesy of local San Ignacio artist extraordinaire, Fernando Cruz Crasborn. Thank you, Fernando. We are grateful. In my mind’s eye, the “Walking Man” will continue to travel this particular stretch of road, like a guardian spirit, for all eternity -- his gaze forever fixed on the lone sacred ceiba tree that stands like a beacon in the distant pasture. I don’t believe I ever saw the man’s face. The tree is still there to this day. |